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Friday 15 March 2013

Normality is a point in time

Normality is only but a phase in time  
When the school of thought aligns with the norm 

Against the mad professor, philosopher or artist  
Who looked into the future and crystal balls 

And saw the coming of mankind 
As visionary, stood on the mountain top with view 

And the, and the first ship that sailed looked more 
Like a spectacle a magic of display 

Like the first hot air balloon elevating 
And the flight of the Wright Brothers 

Normality is only but a phase in time, at this time
Given when we have a common understanding 

Not as the fact of the be all and end all of norm  
But as concessions to the unknown to a near figure +/-

Helps us sway to a point of gravitational pull   
Until the next wind blows us into a new horizon 

Science is just  the same with notions 
And constant is a perpetual shift of progression 

Or regression past a given point of peak 
Into deterioration or paradigm shift 

It is never good to fry the brain on a Friday 
Cells already worn-out from bustles battles before 

So break a glass with drinks, and have some laughs 
Tears if by preference or circumstance so yell 

Monday's rational may make Today's worry 
An absolute obsolete like an analog set 

There is a shift in the winds due south 
The gods are lamenting on an act 

Have you seen the size of your phone lately 
Even Tigo wants to have an influence in my writing 


  1. Excellent write up and wonderful post. A big thanks for sharing with us !!

  2. ha, nice...normality is but a phase...i agree...like the play in this man the plus minus is a cool touch...ha the last two lines are kind of a pop off a bit...fun


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