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Friday, 25 March 2011

Facebook Connect

Facebook connect, friends request, nearly friends
It is  always interesting on observation
How a friend of a friend "like I know you"

Is always just a friends of a friend
In mutual friends, common acquaintance
And they pop up, out from all angles, like Houdini 

Countries holds no borders boundaries 
Like rivers connect from Timbuktu to the Avon
Friend of a friend, facebook connect

Friend of a friend, 
Am out in Alaska on common grounds
Adding weights to the saying, friend of a friend

Like mathematics in evidence
Proof in the pudden; pardon me,
While I spell out, in reference made

Friends on links, always just five friends
Or so they say, away from every one else, they say 
In friends known, small world, in marble blue, they say

And another 6 million, in entangled pot noddles connect
Facebook friends connect, 
Like spider's web connect on the worldwide web reach

Friends request, they pop out, 
Like party poppers on surprise mode 
Hi, hey friend of a friend, on friend request

Friends denied, 
Just cos, doesn't mean buddies to be
Not always, sorry, not always, on preference, reference  

Friends connect, facebook request
We had a mutual friend on facebook connect
Some one just asked for a friends request

Note: I am happy to befriend anyone I feel a connection with
This is not written to be offence to anyone, my apologies if
it does offened


  1. I could almost hear you asserting this with strong vocals - it illustrates the almost ludicrousness of the whole Face-Book/Social Networking phenomena. Great - link it up to my Blog Hop! Share it around? Shah at wordsinsync.blogspot.com ;D X

  2. Thanks for linking up this week! Great to have you with us. Shah. X

  3. Understandable. Even i get irritated when i get friend requests from unknown people, especially if they are particularly insistent on adding me. I like the way you've described the facebook phenomenon, people connecting with each other and forming a labyrinth of networks with each other.

  4. Great commentary on all the supposed "friends" on facebook. Very well done.

  5. Facebook seems odd! haha! I like reading about it in your poetry though. Who are these people, anyway?

    Nice one xx

  6. This is so true!! Those smiling unfamiliar faces jumping out at you from the screen. Your poem made me laugh with identification...well written

  7. This is a really beautiful piece. Yes, it's true, and a social commentary, and funny in a way, and yet it's sad at the same time. The words have a marvelous rhythym and flow to them, it's really very well crafted! I like it!


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