A little distance as far and yet so near
A little moment no sooner, yet long in waiting
A little fruit that dangles on the tree
Ripe and ready, but in paused state so not yet falling
The clouds as little though filling the sky grey
The winds becoming cold in character
Thunder lauds its voice in the heavens
Day becoming night in an instant
Filled with darkness, loosing its light
Like an eclipse stealing the day
The doors and windows all shut down closed
With extra nails running through to fasten hold
The trees going crazy, acting all possessed
Shaking their hair wild and out of control
All the birds and the mammals in a rush
Having to find a safe spot to hide
Except for the one odd thing
This old lady sat by the river
This old lady sat by the river
Would not flinch, blink, budge or scare
This old lady, the river lady
This old lady will not blink or be scared