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Sunday 21 July 2013

The third dimension and me

I have lived through time and space 
And between space in quantum aligned span 

Jumping hoops, strings, circle  
Naked I come, make me human 

I have traveled to distant lands 
Through passage paths into alternate universe 

I have had many lovers, Hmmm counting down 
We made plans for many different dreams 

Charting a course of time travel, leaps and frogs 
Into the future like road maps to paradise  

I have been transformed into many beings 
Of characters played each with its own course 

Each fit for the time duration given, expired cards 
Of need be, like a jigsaw puzzle and game play  

I have traveled through space and time continuum 
Numerous dimensions of  my existence on sequence play 

Has confused the soothsayer with surrealism  
Scratching her head perplexed of illusions seen  

Looking into my future to attest as facts 
With binnacles to say what would become of me 

Subtle breeze  changes the winds on my course travel  
A thousand possible outcomes and I am still being defined 

I am a travelling man through time and space adjustment 
And space aligned, flaunting the parable of the parallel universe 

And when I am no more then finally then I would be truly defined 
By historians after my last breath, after the fact 


  1. Love the transformation...the travel evoked here...

  2. "We made plans for many different dreams"

    I suspect that I will think about this line, and about your last picture for years to come...


  3. Stirring and quite extraordinary...

  4. I enjoyed the trip of reading your poem.

  5. I have just fallen into a new dimension myself!! Powerful and exceptionally pleasing!!

  6. Deeply philosophical and most nteresting.

  7. Oh wow this is exceptional love the use of philosophy and quantam physics


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