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Wednesday 3 May 2017

The Time Clock

Liquid rain,
Will the rain melt in time
For supper?

Is the sun an hour behind time,
Forgetting to change the clock,
Winding it forward an hour

Would the moon collect its debt,
Being seen as nothing more
Than playing second fidel to the sun.

What keeps the clouds suspending
If gravity dictates that mass with weight Should come crushing down.

Oh and the havens would flood the earth, But I hear given the chance
So will the ice in the poles

And that of a mystery sea
Beneath the earth's crust, bigger in size Than all the oceans known to man.

So what is relevant, what is true,
Between life, love, sacrifice,
Religion and death.

What is the value of all we stand for,
Who's judgement is most needed,
For how long on relevance,

Who is right, who is wrong,
Who is a hero, who is a vilan.
Who is just pretending

Will time judge as well,
For all the straws we were given
Became short over time,

Even the once
That seemed long
At the time.

The rain forest
Will praise the rain and
Blame the rain for flooding it gardens,

The dessert will blame the rain
For not showing much care,
Not making time to visit

And water it's hungered thirst,
On emotions
Being all emotional

While they both insist
In  keeping their names as birth rites
Not compromising

And the morning
Will blame the sun
For being an hour late.

But at night
It is always the moon
That brings the tide in. #poetry

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