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Sunday 30 June 2013

Prove me wrong; Nature's rule 101

The first impression in the picture above
Is from an instinct of view, subconscious landing 
Relying on observation channeling feelings, eye contact 

And is based on a jolt reaction, faster than the mind 

Can respond to in real time, faster than the speed of light 
On a referenced library of memory 
Built over time from experience. 

The second is rational reasoning of thought 
Based on the conscious mind of analysis at present 
Slow and developing an ideology, debating 
Defining where the nose is placed 

If you saw the man looking directly at you  
You are using your subconscious mind 
 If you saw the man looking sideways 
You are using your conscious mind 

To justify reasoning the forehead
The nose, the mouth, the hair 
And second guessing 
If the ear is in the right place 

Eventually you will agree with your first reaction 

Instinct, an eye contact a sense of awareness 
Yes just as it occurred to me a feeling 
An electric surge from the eye, to the heart to the mind 

Thus the subconscious relies on instinct 

And the conscious relies on reasoning 
The use of the memory bank
Nature's rule 101

Note: A flinch in a sleep a physical jump
from the feeling of falling in your sleep 
is the reaction of displaced upload into the 
subconscious, like the spilled liquid that pours 
on the outside of the bottle when one is pouring 
into the bottle. 


  1. I went WOW.! Its true. I went on the subconscious first and saw the image looking at me and then consciousness made me to think otherwise. And so well written. Kudos to nature's rule 101. :)

  2. Speechles! the way you analysed the conscious and subconscious mind is fascinating.

  3. ah interesting lesson today in your verse kodjo...in the end it is all about how we perceive and what we use to see the world...and other people...very cool verse man...

  4. We are remarkably complex creatures. And you captured that perfectly. Our perceptions and how we digest them...brilliant!

  5. WOW, all of a sudden it shifted. Way cool, Kodjo!

  6. Instinct! the eye first- very cool- thanks!

  7. a word, a picture can all change in a second just based on perspective. Thanks for the lesson on where the reasoning comes from.

  8. Reasoning of perspective...what an interesting lesson. thank you.


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