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Sunday 7 October 2012

Breathe Easy

Breathe easy and not in  haste 
Hastily you might breathe a chunk and choke 

The air is full of such particles to avoid 
Attracted by the eagerness of haste 

Time out, if all seems so overwhelming 
Time is only but  a passage path 

The routes are different 
All with their own angles 

Ask the man with a rush down the road 
How he got his rushes 

Breathe easy and not in a haste 
Hastily you might breathe a chunk and choke 
Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. The repeating lines work well to bring this poem full circle.....

  2. I love this poem! It brings 'breath in breath out' to a whole deeper level. Very calming and zen-like

  3. Love that ask a man with a rush, how he got his rushes! Very clever poem.


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