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Wednesday 23 May 2012

A Notion of Satire 3 - 3

#Monkey chop banana 
What is funny about that 
To make a song and laugh out loud 

Ask the politician if he gets offended 
When he is called names; names? how rude 
For what he does best; promises to change the world 

Lets just sweep the rest under the carpet 
Tidy up a bit, give that perception 
Hide our differences and short falls 

They will all be gone soon, farewell 
We can get back to normality as a community 
Just like they do, when we go and visit 

Tradition demands it 
And society does not object 
Perception is enough to live by 

#Monkey chop banana  
What is so funny about that 
To make a song and laugh out loud 


  1. fairly certain i commented on this one the other day...hard to tell with comment mod i do remember at least reading it...thanks for playing at TT and enjoy reading some of the other participants....

  2. Had to read it twice, but then I really got it. Really, really got it and the satire is delicious.

    Well done!! Happy TT!

  3. perception is not enough to live by...politicians are good at making promises but all they end up being is hot air on a summer day...they will be gone soon, ha, a revolving door...thanks for pointing out that this was a series...and i appreciated the email dialogue today as well man...sounds like you had a great trip...

  4. It always helps to remember that politicians are only as good as the people that vote for them. I enjoyed the poem.

  5. Very nice take...I guess its all perception when we vote politicians. But then again, i think it depends on the voters or community ~ You get what or who you deserve ~


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