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Monday, 12 March 2012

Coming off Mother's milk

Life is like poetry; winds blows feathers  
Freely to the heavens weightless, with no 
Bound of gravity, come fly with me, and fly with me 

Lets feel free, and be free and see this here earth 
As the paradise, that was promised to thee 
When we were young angelic and blissfully blessed  

That landed us into the joyful  gardens of Eden 
Where feathers fly  and weight is weightless 
And the golden sun, creams the land every night at sunset 

Why are all children's poems, rhymes and stories so dark 
Red ridding hood, Humpty dumpty, Pop goes the weasel 
Mary, Mary quite contrary, Sing a song of sixpence 

Have you ever seen the sight, in plain sight
Of a falling angel, dropped by eviction 
From the garden of Eden, like meteorites fall 

The drag me down of feathers wet
With chains by gravity, of living with reality 
Back to earth so fast, absent of golden parachutes 

I guess abstract in some ways, hidden codes
Long before adulthood as children 
In the garden of Eden, in playful grounds  

We were taught with nursery rhymes 
Poems and stories, like old Mother Hubbard, a' Jack and Jill 
To know how dark  and complex the world can be 

But to see a falling angel and feathers with gravity so strong
And have meaning of such hidden codes, in nusery rhymes
Wait until you come off Mother's milk. 



  1. wow man...that imagery of the fallen angel is spot on...and love how you wrapped in the nursery rhymes...

  2. A lot of great stuff going on here!

  3. True..nursery rhymes are very dark aren't they? =/

  4. Nursery rhymes are dark, that is so true, nicely woven into your poem. Liked this a lot.

  5. I love how many thoughts are part of your poems! YOU are so right about nursery rhymes...why so dark?

    Well Done

  6. This is so intense it has left me reeling! A walk through many emotions is the key to this piece and your work, just gloriously written! xoxo

  7. Yes, used to be all childrens' tales were so dark and gorey. Now they're much much lighter and brighter, TG.

    Life IS a poem -- yahoo!!

  8. very smart metaphors.

  9. beautiful imaginations.

  10. everyone live on milk, either from a cow or from a mother.

    touching theme.


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